Self test

Anonymously assess your gambling behaviour here, simply by answering each question with:

"Never"/ "Sometimes"/ "Most of the time" or "Almost always".

For each question you should take into account your experience over the past 12 months. You will need to have answered all 9 questions in order to be able to determine your behavior with the corresponding score.

During the last twelve (12) months:

The final result of the test is formed by the sum of the points that will be collected from the answers to each of the nine (9) questions, with each individual answer being evaluated on a four steps scale with the values ​​"never", "sometimes" , "Most often", "almost always" rated as follows:


 "Never" = zero (0)

 "Sometimes" = one (1)

 "Most of the time" = two (2)

 "Almost always" = three (3)


Disclaimer: These questions are based on the PGSI diagnostic model. This tool is offered to you to anonymously enhance your understanding of the risks that can be involved with gambling, if not practiced in moderation. For an official diagnosis of your betting behaviour, you are kindly advised to seek professional help from a local gambling addiction center or a referral through your GP.